Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Unit 1 đến 15 - Năm học 2018-2019

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Unit 1 đến 15 - Năm học 2018-2019

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Unit 1 đến 15 - Năm học 2018-2019
 - T plays the recording again, pausing after Listen the recording again 
each line for pupils to repeat. T repeats the step and repeat.
when necessary.
- T divides the class into two groups.
- T asks one group to repeat Nam’s part, one -Read a role.
group to repeat Mai’s part and the other the 
Trung’s part.
- T checks to make sure pupils can repeat and 
understand the dialogue.
2.2. Point and say. 2.2. Point and say.
- T asks Ps to look at pictures a, b, c and d on 
page 6. 
- T tells them to identify the people in each -Look at the picture 
picture .
 - Revise numbers 10 to 100 
- Pre teach new vocabulary:
- Hoa Binh Lane -Listen to the teacher.
- Village Road
- Stress, Flat, City Tower -Read after the teacher.
- T does the task with one pupil as an example ( 
e.g: Teacher: What’s your address?
 Nam : It’s Hoa Binh Lane)
- T asks Ps to work in pairs, one pupil says the -Read the example. 
greetings and the other the responses.
- T repeats the step, but this time ask Ps to 
swap their roles. - Work in pairs.
- T selects some pairs of Ps to demonstrate the Ex:
task in front of the class. a.Teacher: What’s your 
- T monitors the activity, checks pupils’ address?
pronunciation and offer help when necessary. Nam : It’s Hoa Binh Lane
- Ask Sts to practise greetings in my classmate. - Work in pairs.
 2.3. Let’s talk. 2.3. Let’s talk.
- T tell the class that they are going to practise - Ss look at pictures and 
 Period 2 - Lesson 2
I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Pupils will be able to:
 - Saying and responding to goodbye.
 - Improve: listening, speaking, writing skills.
II. Language focus.
* Vocabulary: busy, quiet, crowded, pretty.
* Structures : What’s
III. Resources.
 * Student’s book Tieng Anh 5, Tap 1
 * Audio and visual aids Recordings, flashcards, sticky tape
IV. Procedure.
 Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
1.Warm up 1.Warm up
- T spend a few minutes revising the previous 
lesson by calling some individuals to come to the - Ss sing the song, clapping 
front to greet the class and say their names. Get the hands.
class to sing The wheels on the bus.
2. Activities
2.1. Look, listen and repeat. 2.1. Look,listen and repeat. 
- T tell the class they are going to practise saying - Ss open book.
and responding to greeting. Elicit the names of the 
characters in the first picture and explain what they - Ss name of the characters.
say. Have pupils repeat the language a few times. 
Repeat the procedure with the second picture and 
the third.
- T do choral and individual repetition, pointing to - Ss observe
the characters speaking.
- T play the recording for pupils to listen and say - Ss listen. - T call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front and comment.
of the class. - the whole class repeat 
2.4. Listen and circle a or b.
- T tell the class that they are going to listen and 2.4. Listen and circle a or b.
circle the correct a or b to complete the sentences. - Ss look at the book, identify 
Elicit the names of the characters. Have pupils the characters and guess the 
repeat them once or twice. content 
- T play the recoding three times for pupils to 
listen, do the task and check their answers. - Ss listen.
- Tell pupils not to worry if they cannot 
understand every word and that they should focus - Ss listen.
on the names of the characters while they are 
- T Get pupils to swap and check their answers - Ss exchange
before checking as a class.-
 Key: 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a - Ss open book
 2.5 Write about you. 2.5.Write about you. 
- T tell the class class that they are going to write -Write about themselves.
about where they live in and who they live with.
Have them read the questions and check their 
understanding. - Check the writing.
- T Get pupils to swap and check their answers 
before inviting one or two Ss to read their answers - Ss read and complete.
aloud and give feedback. - The rest of the class listen 
3.Reinforcement: - Guide Ss to do exercises and give comments.
 -T remarks the lesson. - Ss answer.
4. Home link:
- T gives comments to the class, Prepare Lesson 3 necessary.
2.2 Listen and circle a or b. Then say the 
sentences. 2.2 Listen and circle or b. Then 
 - Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the say the sentences.
recording, circle the correct options and write to 
 - Listen and circle the answer 
answer to complete the sentences.
 and then say the sentences 
- Give them a few seconds to read each of the 
sentences in silence and guess the words to fill the 
 - Look at the sentences. 
- Have pupils listen to the recording and circle the 
appropriate options. Play the recording more than 
 - Practice reading the sentences 
once, if necessary.
 with different intonations. 
- Give them time to write the words independently. 
 - Read in chorus. 
Have them swap their answers before checking as 
a class. Go around and offer help, if necessary.
 - Listen to the teacher and do 
- Then ask pupils to say the sentences aloud.
 the task.
Key: 1.b; 2a; 3a. - Ss listen and write down
 2.4. Read and Yes or No.
2.4. Read and tick Yes or No.
 - Open the book and read the 
-Tell pupils that they are going to read the text
 About what the pupils are doing and tick true or 
 - Pupils look at the statements 
- Ask them to look the statements first and then 
 first and then read the text.
read the text. Focusing on the information they 
 - Do the task individually.
need to do the task. 
- Give pupils time to do the task independently. Go 
around to offer help, if necessary.
 - Exchange their answers
- Get them to swap their answers before checking 
as a class. 
 - Report their answers
Key: 1.N 2.Y 3.N 4.Y 5.Y
 5. Write about you. 
5.Write about you.
 - Ss open book 2.1. Look, listen and repeat. - Open the book on page 12
- Have Ps open the book on page 12. Ask them to -Look at the picture.
pay attention to the title of the unit, pictures and the 
- Ask Ps to look at each pictures and indentify the -Answer the question.
characters. Point to each picture and ask Ps to listen 
and answer:
 + Who’s this? - Listen the recording.
- Tell them that they are going to look at the dialogue 
in their Student’s book, listen to the recording and 
repeat the dialogue between Quan and Tom.
- T plays the recording all the way through for pupils - Listen the recording again 
to listen. and repeat.
- T plays the recording again, pausing after each line 
for pupils to repeat. T repeats the step when 
- T divides the class into two groups. -Read a role.
- T asks one group to repeat Quan’s part and the 
other Tom’s part. 22. Point and say.
- T checks to make sure pupils can repeat and -Look at the picture 
understand the dialogue.
2.2. Point and say. -Listen to the teacher.
- T asks Ps to look at pictures a, b, c and d on p12. 
- T tells them to identify the people in each picture.
- Pre teach new vocabulary: -Read after the teacher.
- always brush the teeth.
- usually do morning exercise.
- often cook dinner. - Play the recording all the way through for Ps to - Answers
listen. -Look at the pictures.
- Then play the recording twice: once for Ps to listen - Listen to the recording.
and once for them to do the task. Stop after each part 
for Ps to have sufficient time to tick the picture. - Listen again.
- Replay the recording for Ps to check their answers.
- Get Ps to correct their answer in pairs. After that, 
ask some Ps to report their answers to the class. play 
the recording again if necessary. 
Anwer: 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.a 
 2.5. Read and complete. - Check the answer
 - Tell Ps that they are going to read the text and 2.5. Read and complete.
complete the table. - Ss listen and complete the 
- Give Ps a few seconds to look at the picture. Point table.
to the picture and ask: Who are in the picture? Where 
are they? Where’s he from? What’s your address?
- Set a time limit for Ps to do the task indipendently. - Check the answer.
Walk around monitoring and offering help, if 
necessary. Key: 1- do 2- usually 3- 
- Have them swap their answers before checking as a play 4- TV 5- like
3. Reinforcement 
- T repeats the sentence pattern.
- T remarks the lesson 
4. Home link. - Ask Pupils to practise 
- Ask Pupils to prepare lesson 2 page 14. - Ss remember - Practice with Ss.
- Divide the class into 2 groups. Ask Ss practice in - Work in groups.
- Check some pairs. - Practice in front of class.
- Others give comments.
- T gives comments.
- Go round and check Ss can repeat and 
understand the dialogue.
2. Point and say.
- Ask sts to look at picture d in part 1 again.
- Ask sts to read the question in the picture - Look at picture c and give 
- Write the question on the board answer
- Teach how to ask and answer
How often do you come to the library? 
 Once a week. - Write down
- Say aloud for sts to repeat
- Ask sts to change underlined words to have 
another answers.
- Ask sts to ask and answer the pictures a, b, c, d
- Call some pairs practise in front of the class
- Give feedback and correct mistakes of 
pronunciation - Work in pairs
- Make a few questions to check Ss’ 
comprehension of the language. Answer the teacher`s 
3. Let`s talk questions
- Tell the class that they are going to practise 
further by asking and answering questions about 
- Get sts to work in groups of four to ask each 
other`s daily activities and frequency
- Remind them to use the questions and answers in 
their books
- Set a time limit for the class to practise
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Work in groups
- Call some sts to practise in front of the class.
- Give feedback.
4. Listen and number:
- Tell sts that they are going to listen to the - Practise in front of the class
recording and number the pictures.
- Ask Ss tolook at the pictures, identify the 
characters and what they are doing.
- Play the recording for sts to listen syllable, one of the syllable is usually said with - Listen and repeat.
more emphasis than the rest - Listen.
ex: ‘always, ‘usually, ‘often, ‘sometimes.
- Ask sts to look at the book and listen - Listen
- Play the recording for Ss listen again
- Call some sts listen and repeat - Listen and circle
- Others give comments.
- T gives comments. - Give answers
- Correct mistakes of pronunciation - Listen and check
2. Listen and circle a or b. Then say the 
sentence aloud. - Observe
-Tell sts that they are going to listen to the 
recording and circle a or b
- Play the recording for sts to listen
- Ask sts to listen again and do the task - Answer the questions
- Ask sts to give answers
- Play the recording again for sts to listen and - Listen to teacher`s explanation
- Give correct answers - Do the task
1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b - Exchange the answers.
4. Read and answer
- Tell the class that they are going to read the text - Give answers
and answer the four questions. - Observe.
- Get them to read the sentences and underlined 1. She gets up early and usually 
the key words or new phrases goes jogging.
- Explain the meaning of key words or new 2. She usually does her homework. 
phrases. Then she often plays badminton and 
- Ask sts to read the text again and do the task sometimes cooks dinner.
- Set a time limit for sts to do the task 3. She watches English for Kids ( 
independently once a week)
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. 4. She goes shopping twice a week.
- Ask sts to compare their answers before - Read the questions and do the task
checking as a class - Read aloud
- Ask sts to give answers
- Give feedback and correct mistakes of - Present in front of the class.
* Home- link.
- Tell Ss to interview their classmate or relatives 
about their daily routines.
V. Evaluation. repeat
- Work in groups to practise the dialogue.
- Call some groups to practise in front of the class.
2. Point and say - Listen.
- Tell them that they are going to practise asking and 
answering the questions about where someone went - Listen and repeat.
on his/herlast holiday
 Where did you go on holiday? - Repeat each line.
 I went to......
- Have them look at the bubbles to understand how to 
use the language. Ask pupils to look at the four - Work in pairs.
pictures to say Ha Long Bay, Phu Quoc Island,Hoi 
An ancient Town, Hue Imperial City
- Have Ps listen and repeat them. - Listen.
- Point to the picture and model the task with one 
pupil, using the expressions in the bubbles and the 
word under the picture( teacher: Where did you go on - Look at the bubbles.
 Ps: I went to......) - Listen.
- Ask Ps to say the phrases chorally and individual. 
Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the - Listen and repeat.
- Ask Ps to practise in pairs, using the prompts in the 
bubbles and the pictures. - Work in groups.
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.
- Select some pairs to role- play the dialogue in front - Perform in front of the 
if the class class.
3. Let’s talk
- Tell the class that they are going to practice further - Listen to the teacher.
by asking and answering questions about thier 
classmates’ past hoilyday. - Work in groups of four 
- Get Ps to work in groups of four to ask each other’s to ask and answer.
addresses. Remind them to use the questions and 
answers in their books.
- Set a time limit for the class to practice. Monitor the - Report to the class.
activity and offer help, if necessary. - Stand up and practice 
- Select a few Ps to repeat their interview to the class. speaking basing on 
Then give back. their real information
4. Listen and match
- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to the recording -Listen to the recording 
and draw the lines to match each character to the and draw the lines to Unit3: Where did you go on holiday?
 Period 8 - Lesson 2
I. Objectives: 
By the end of the lesson, pupils can use the words and phrases related to the topics 
Ask and anwser question about means of transport.
II. Language focus: 
1. Vocabulary: underground..............
2. Sentence patterns: - How did you get there? I went by.....
III. Resources: 
 1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, recordings, ...
 2. Student’s: Textbook, notebook.
IV. Procedures:
 Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities
 1. Warm up:
- Spend a few minutes having the class - Ps listen to the teacher
 Play bingo, using the wordfor the places and 
mean of trasport learn in lesson one. At the and 
of the game Ps ask and anwser the questions 
using the word in the game 
Where did you go on holiday? - Answer the questions.
I went to ..
How did you get there? I went by.....
 2. New lesson:
1. Look, listen and repeat.
-Tell the class that they are going to read a 
story in which Tony and Phong are talking 
about their holiday. - Listen.
- Have them look at the pictures
 and guess what the story is about. - Listen and repeat.
- Check their comprehension by 
pointing at each picture to elicit their answers - Repeat each line.
to these questions: Where did Phong/Tony go on 
holiday? How did you get there?. In Picture a, 
Phong says he went to his home town on 
 - Work in pairs.
holiday. In the pic b Tony asks How did get 
there? And phong anwsers I went by coach.......
- Play the recording all the way
 through for pupils to listen and follow in - Listen. - Get them to pay attention to the means of guess the correct answers.
transport. - Listen to the recording and 
 circle a or b to complete the 
- Ask them to read and four gapped sentence 
and guess the word to complete them. - Listen to the recording to do 
- Play the recording all the way through for the task. 
them to listen . - Swap the answers with their 
 and complete sentences partners before checking as 
 a class.
- Play it again for them to do the task. - Give their answers in front 
- Get them to compare their answers with their of the class.
partners before checking as a class. - Listen to confirm the 
- Call some Ps to give their answers in front of answers.
the class.
- Play the recording the third time to confirm the 
answers. - Correct the mistakes.
- Give explanations for answers which ps find 
difficult. Then provide keys:
 - Listen to the teacher.
Key: 1 motobike 2 train3 taxi 4 plane
 5. Write about you last holiday.
 - Look, read read the 
- Tell the class that they are going to write questions and check their 
about last holiday.Have them read the understand and guess. 
questions and check their understanding.
- Set a time limit for them to do the task. 
 - Do the task individually.
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if 
 - Exchange and read their 
- Get them to swap and read their writing before - Report the answers.
inviting one or two pupils to read their answers - Remark and correct.
aloud and give feedback.
Key: Answers vary
* Reinforcement: -Listen and note.
- Ask some pairs to stand up and practice 
speaking basing on their real information.
- Other Ss observe and say their comments.
- Resume the sentence pattern of the lesson.
* . Homelink: - Prepare the next lesson: 
Week 5 Date of planning: 16/8/2018 - Give them a few seconds to read the the correct answers.
sentences in silence before playing the - Listen to the recording and 
recording for them to do the task.
 circle a or b to complete the 
- Get them to compare their answers in pairs sentences.
before checking as a class. - Listen to the recording to do 
Play it again for them to do the task. the task. 
- Get them to compare their answers with their - Swap the answers with their 
partners before checking as a class. partners before checking as a 
- Call some Ps to give their answers in front of class.
the class. - Give their answers in front of 
 the class.
- Play the recording the third time to confirm 
 - Listen to confirm the 
the answers. answers.
- Give explanations for answers which ps find 
difficult. Then provide keys:
Key: 1 a 2a 3b 4a - Correct the mistakes.
4. Read and complete.
- Tell the class that they are going to complete 
Nam’s letter to Tony, using the word in the box - Read the chant and check 
- Get them read the gappedsentences and their comprehension.
guess the wword to fill the gaps. 
 - Listen and repeat each line.
- Ps work inpairs or groups
- Set a time limit for pupils to do the task - Listen and repeat a few times.
independently. Monitor the activity and offer 
help, if necessary. - Practise chanting in groups.
- Have them compare their answers before 
 - Practise chanting and doing 
checking as a class.
 actions in groups.
Key: 1.Island 3.plane 4.badminton 
5.swam - Perform in the class.
 5.Read and write.
- Tell the class that they are going to read 
Linda’s letter to Mai and write anwsers . - Replace some words and 
Explane the words: take a train, view and phrases of the chant.
- Get them to read the question first and read 
tex focus on the information needed to anwser - Listen and note.
the questions. - Read the text and coplete.
 - Read the sentences and 
- Set a time limit for them to do the task - Use the words and phrases related to the topic: Past activities.
- Develop Ss listening and speaking skills.
- Listen to the recording and tick Yes or No.
- Sing the song: What did you do on Teachers’ Day?
- Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
II. Language focus:
1. Vocabulary: enjoy, join, funfair
2. Sentence Patterns:
 - Did you go on a picnic?
 Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t 
III. Resources:
- Equipments in English room.
- Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards.
IV. Procedure:
 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
*Warm up.
- Let’s chant: Where did you go? On the page 22 - Whole class practise
1. Look, listen and repeat.
- Ask Ss look at the picture and answer the questions - Look at the pictures and 
?Who are the pupils? give the answers
?What are they talking about?
- Ask sts to look at the book and listen to the tape
- Play the recording for Ss listen - Listen carefully
- Ask them repeat a few times.
- Repeat the procedure with the second picture.
- Play the recording through. - Listen and repeat
- Practice with Ss.
- Divide the class into 2 groups. Ask Ss practice in 
- Check some pairs.
- Others give comments. - Work in groups
- T gives comments. -Practise in front of the class
- Go round and check Ss can repeat and understand 
the dialogue.
2. Point and say.
- Ask sts to look at picture d in part 1 again. - Give correct answers - Others correct, remark.
1. N 2. Y 3. N - Ss repeat the recording.
5. Read and complete
- Tell the class that they are going to read the text 
and fill the gaps with ẹnoyed, joined, festival, 
sports, went
- Give sts a few times to read the sentences
- Remind sts to focus on the context to select the 
appopriate words from the box - Work individually.
- Set a time limit for sts to do the task independently
-Monitor the activity and offer help,if necessary - Do the task
-Ask sts to give answers
-Ask other sts to give feedback - Give answers
- Correct
1. went 2. festivals 3. joined 4. sports 5. enjoyed 
* Home- link. .
- Tell Ss to read the part 1 again.
Week 6 Date of planning: 16/8/2018
 Date of teaching:  2018
 Unit 4: DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY? - Repeat the procedure with the second picture.
- Play the recording through.
- Practice with Ss.
- Divide the class into 2 groups. Ask Ss practice in 
pairs. - Work in groups.
- Check some pairs.
- Others give comments. - Practice in front of class.
- T gives comments.
- Go round and check Ss can repeat and 
understand the dialogue.
2. Point and say.
- Ask sts to look at picture b in part 1 again.
- Ask sts to read the question in the picture
- Write the question on the board - Look at picture b and give 
- Teach how to ask and answer answer
What did you do at the party?
I ate a lot of food.
- Say aloud for sts to repeat -Write down
- Ask sts to change underlined words to have 
another answers.
- Ask sts to ask and answer the pictures a,b,c,d
- Call some pairs practise in front of the class
- Give feedback and correct mistakes of 
- Make a few questions to check Ss’ - Work in pairs
comprehension of the language.
3. Let’s talk.
- Tell the class that they are going to practise 
futher by asking and answering questions about - Answer the teacher’s 
what they did. questions
- Get sts to work in groups of two to practise.
- Remind them to use the questions and answers in III. Resources:
- Equipments in English room.
- Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards.
IV. Procedure: 
 Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
*Warm up.
- Chatting with students - Answer the questions
1. Listen and repeat.
-Tell the class that they are going to practice saying 
two-syllable words with the stress on different 
- Explain two-syllable words with the stress on the - Listen to teacher`s 
first syllable and on the second syllable: ‘party, explaination
‘Sunday, en’joy, in’vite
ex: city , village , mountain
- Ask sts to look at the book and listen 
- Play the recording for Ss listen again - Listen to the recording.
- Call some sts listen and repeat
- Others give comments. - Listen and repeat.
- T gives comments.
- Correct mistakes of pronounciation - Listen and circle
2. Mark the word stress. Then say the words 
-Tell sts that they are going to listen to mark the - Give answers
word stress. Then say the words aloud.
- Play the recording for sts to listen - Listen and check
- Ask sts to listen again and do the task
- Ask sts to give answers
-Play the recording again for sts to listen and check
- Give correct answers
1. ‘water 2. ‘party 3. en’joy 4. ‘birthday PERIOD 13. Lesson 1 
 I. Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to: 
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic: Future Activities.
- Asking and answering questions about where someone will be.
- Develop Ss listening and speaking skills.
+ Listen to the recording and tick, Read and match.
+ Review vocabularies and sentence pattern 1,2 through a song: Where will you 
- Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
II. Language focus:
1. Vocabulary: 
will, for a pinic,in the mountain,in the countryside,on the beach,by the sea.
2. Sentence Patterns:
 + What will you do this weekend? 
 – I think............
 + Where will you be? 
 - I think I’ll ............. 
III. Resources:- 
- Equipments in English room.
- Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette.
IV. Teaching procedures:
 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
 * Warm up:- 
 Take part in activity: tell some activities that Ss - Tell some activities.
 will do in the future and where?
 go for a picnic, go to Lan Chi Mart,go swimming/ 
 on the beach,play badminton at school -read some activities
 -to ask pupils to read some activities 
 -T guides new lesson.
 1. Look, listen and repeat.
 - Ask Ss to look at the picture a and answer the -answer the questions
 + Who are they?
 + Where? - Listen carefully.
 +to guess What they are talking about? - Listen and repeat.
 - Have them look at the book and listen to the tape.
 - Play the recording for Ss listen.
 - Ask them to repeat a few times.
 - Repeat the procedure with the rest pictures.
 - Play the recording through.
 - Practice with Ss. - Work in groups. T: Where will you be this weekend?
Ss: I think I’ll be at Sam Son beach.
- Get Ss to work in groups of three to ask and 
answer about sentence pattern.
- Set a time limit for the class to practise. - Listen and remember. 
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.
- Call some Ss to practise in front of the class.
- Give feedback.
4. Listen and tick. to answer the qs
- to identify the pictures.
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the 
recording and tick. - Listen to the recording the 
- Play the recording for sts to listen. first time.
- Ask Ss to listen again and do the task
- Have them give answers. - Listen again and complete.
- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and - Give the answers.
- Give correct answers:
 1. c 2. a 3.b - Others correct, remark.
 5. Read and match. - Ss repeat the recording.
- Tell the class that they are going to read and 
-T models - Work individually.
- Give sts a few times to read the sentences.
- Remind sts to focus on the questions and answers - Do the task.
- Set a time limit for sts to do the task 
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Give answers.
- Ask sts to give answers.
- Ask other sts to give feedback.
- Correct.
* Home-link.
- Tell Ss to read part 1 again.
-to practice asking and answering about sentence 
 PERIOD 14. Lesson 2 understand the dialogue.
2. Point and say. - Look at picture c and give 
- Ask Ss to look at picture c in part 1 again. answer.
- Have Ss look at the pictures and answer the qs: 
Để hỏi bạn sẽ làm gì tại vịnh Hạ Long? Thì bạn What will you do at Ha long 
Tony hỏi như thế nào? Bay?
- Write the question on the board. I think I’ll
 - Write down.
What will you do at Ha long Bay?
I think I’ll swim in the sea
- Say aloud the sentence pattern for Ss to repeat. - Listen and repeat.
- Ask Ss to change underlined words to have 
another answers.
-T models section a
T: What will you do at ha Long Bay?
Ss: I think I’ll explore the caves. - Work in pairs.
-to ask Ps to read the sentence patterns.
- Have them ask and answer the pictures a, b, c, d.
- Call some pairs practise in front of the class.
- Give feedback and correct mistakes of - Practise in front of the 
pronunciation. class.
- Make a few questions to check Ss’ 
comprehension of the language.
3. Let’s talk.
- Tell the class that they are going to practise - Answer the teacher’s 
further by asking and answering questions about questions.
future activities.
- Get Ss to work in pairs to ask each other`s future 
- Remind them to use the questions and answers 
in their books:
 + Where will you be next week?- I think - Work in pairs.
 +What will you do?- I don’t know. I may.
 - Set a time limit for the class to practise.
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Practise in front of the 
- Call some Ss to practise in front of the class. class.
- Give feedback.
4. Listen and number.
-To identify activities and places in the pictures: -Ss answer the questions.
what can you see in the pictures
Who are they in the pictures. WEEK:8 Unit 5 : WHERE WILL YOU BE THIS WEEKEND?
 PERIOD 15 – Lesson 3: 1, 2, 3 
I. Objectives:
After the lesson, Ss will be able to: 
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic: Future Activities.
- Pronouce two-and three syllable words with stress on the first syllable: seaside, 
islands, countryside.
- Develop Ss listening skill.
II. Language focus:
1. Vocabulary: review
2. Sentence Patterns: review
 + Where will you be tomorrow? I think I’ll be..
 + What will you do?I think I’ll.. 
III. Resources:
- Equipments in English room.
- Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette.
IV. Teaching procedures: 
 Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
 * Warm up
 to ask pupils to play a game: Network with Ps listen carefully.
 noun that have stress on the first syllable.
 -to devide class into two groups.
 T guides the way of playing a game. -to play a game.
 -by the end of the game teacher remarks it.
 1. Listen and repeat.
 -T guide words through the pictures: 
 -to ask pupils to read the words. - Listen to teacher’s explaination
 -to have ps to remark about stress of words.
 to get some word that has the same stress.
 - Tell the class that they are going to practice 
 pronouncing two-and three-syllable words - Listen to the recording.
 with the stress on the first syllable: 
 seaside,island,countryside. - Listen and repeat.
 - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen.
 - Play the recording for Ss listen again.
 - Call some Ss listen and repeat the words 
 and then the sentences.
 - Others give comments.
 - Give comments.
 - Correct mistakes of pronounciation. sandcastles(on the beach), will play 
 badminton,will have dinner on Tuan Chau 
 5. Write about you.
 -to ask pupils to discuss about plan which 
 they will do in the future.
 - Tell Ss that they are going to write about - to discuss and write.
 plan which they discussed.
 - Set a time limit for Ss to do the task 
 - Monitor the activity and offer help, if 
 - Ask some sts to read aloud their writing.
 - Give feedback.
 * Home-link.
 - Tell Ss to practise the chant at home - Listen and remember.
I. Objectives.
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 - listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my 
 - read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my 
 - use simple sentences to write about themselves
II. Language focus.
 1, Vocabulary: 
 + once/ twice a week, three/ four times a week, revision of day of the week
 + speak, email, practice, foreign, short story. feedback.
- T plays the recording three times for Ss 
to listen, do the task and check their - Listen to the recording and do the 
answers. task.
- T calls some Ss to share their answers to 
the class. - Share their answers.
- T asks Ss to swap and listen again to 
check their answers. - Swap and check their answers.
* Answer: * Answer: 
1. c 2. b 1. Y 2. N 
* Transcript:
Tom: How many lessons do you have 
toda, Quan?
Quan:I have 4: Maths Vietnamese 
English, IT.
2. Akiko; You are very good at speaking 
Englis, Nam.
Nam; Thank you, Akiko.
Akiko; How do you practice speakin?
Nam; I practice English with my friends 
every day.
2. Listen and number.
- T tells Ss that they are going to listen - Listen to the T.
and number.
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and - Listen and answer T’s questions.
identify each character.
- T plays the recording three times for Ss - Do the task individually. key words and phrases.
- Ask Ss to find the relevant information - Read the questions in silence 
in the passage and answer the questions. underline the key words and 
- T gets Ss to swap and check their phrases.
- Ask Ss to explain for the answers. - Work individually
* Answer:
1. He has it four times a week. - Swap and check the answers.
2. He can read Aladdin and the Magic 
Lamp in English. - Ss answer.
3. He practises speaking by talking tohis 
foreign friends. 
4. He practices writing by seding emails 
to his friend Hakim in Malaysia.
5. Because he wants to watch English 
cartoons on TV.
5. Write about you.
- T tells Ss that they are going to write 
sentences about themselves.
- Ask Ss to read the questions in silence.
- T gets Ss to do the task independently.
- T monitors the activity and offer helps, - Listen to the T.
if necessary. 
- T gets Ss to swap and check their - Work idividually.
* Answers vary - Swap and check the answers. -Ask sts to read the question in the picture
-Write the question on the board -Give new sentences
-Teach how to answer
How many lessons do you have today?
 I have ...............
-Ask sts read aloud some words about days of -Work in pairs
the week and school subjects. - Some pairs practice in front of 
-Ask sts to ask and answer the pictures a,b,c,d the class. Others listen and check.
- Call some pairs practise in front of the class - Answer
-Give feedback and correct mistakes of 
- Make a few questions to check Ss’ - Repeat
comprehension of the language.
- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases 
in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.
3.Let’s talk
-Tell the class that they are going to practise 
futher by asking and answering questions -Work in groups
about lesson they have.
-Get sts to work in groups of four to ask each 
other’s lessons
-Remind them to use the questions and 
answers in their books
-Set a time limit for the class to practise -Practise in front of the class.
-Monitor the activity and offer help, if 
-Call some sts to practise in front of the class. -Listen and remember 
-Give feedback.
4. Listen and tick
-Tell sts that they are going to listen to the - Listen to the recording the first 
recording and conplete the adresses. time.
-Play the recording for sts to listen
-Ask sts to listen again and do the task -Listen again and complete.
-Ask sts to give answers - Give the answers.
-Play the recording again for sts to listen and 
check - Others correct, remark.
-Give correct answers - Ss repeat the recording.
5. Read and complete
-Tell the class that they are going to read and 
fill the gaps with Art/ four/ lessons/ 
Wednesday, Tuesday.
-Give sts a few times to read the sentences 1. Look, listen and repeat.
- Introduce picture and ask some questions 
about the situations in the picture:
+ Who are they in the picture? - Look, listen and answer the 
+ Where are they?
+What are they doing?
- Tell them that they are going to listen a 
dialogue between Akiko and Nam.
-Ask sts to look at the book and listen to the 
 - Listen to the recording.
- Play the recording for Ss listen
 - Listen and repeat.
- Ask them repeat a few times.
- Repeat the procedure with the second 
- Play the recording through.
- Practice with Ss.
 - Work in groups.
- Divide the class into 2 groups. Ask Ss 
practice in pairs.
 - Practice in front of class.
- Check some pairs.
- Others give comments.
- T gives comments.
- Go round and check Ss can repeat and 
understand the dialogue.
2. Point and say.
-Ask sts to look at picture c in part 1 again.
 -Look at picture c and give answer
-Ask sts to read the question in the picture
-Write the question on the board
-Teach how to ask and answer
 -Write down
How often do you have Music?
 I have it once a week.
- Say aloud for sts to repeat
-Ask sts to change underlined words to have 
another answers.
-Ask sts to ask and answer the pictures 
 -Work in pairs
- Call some pairs practise in front of the 
-Give feedback and correct mistakes of 
- Make a few questions to check Ss’ 
 -Answer the teacher`s questions Date of planning: 27/10/2018
 Date of teaching: .........../2018
 WEEK:10. Unit 6: How many lesons do you have today?
 PERIOD 19. Lesson 3: 1-5
I. Objectives.
After the lesson, Ss will be able to: 
- Read some questions and answers with sentence stress.
- Develop Ss listening skill.
II. Language contents 
- The vocabulary: 
- The structure:
 - How manr lessons do you have today? I have .......
 - How often do you have ___ ? I have ............. 
III. Resources:
 Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette.
IV. Procedure: 
 Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
*Warm up.
- How manr lessons do you have today?
 I have .......
 - How often do you have ___ ? - Answer the questions
I have ....
1.Listen and repeat.
-Tell the class that they are going to practice 
saying some question and answer with 
sentence stress.
-Ask sts to look at the book and listen - Listen to the recording.
- Play the recording for Ss listen again
-Call some sts listen and repeat - Listen and repeat.
- Others give comments.
- T gives comments.
- Correct mistakes of pronounciation
2. Listen and circle a or b
-Tell sts that they are going to listen to the 
recording and circle a or b - Listen and circle
-Play the recording for sts to listen
-Ask sts to listen again and do the task
-Ask sts to give answers -Give answers
-Play the recording again for sts to listen and -Listen and check Date of planning: 05/11/2018
 Date of teaching: .........../2018
 Period 20: Lesson 1: 1, 2, 3,4,5 
 I. Objectives:
After the lesson, Ss will be able to: 
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic: How do you learn English?
- Ask and answer questions about how someone learns English
- Develop Ss listening and speaking skills.
II. Language focus:
1. Vocabulary: practise, vocabulary, email, comic book.
2. Sentence Patterns:
 + How do you practise reading?
 - I read English comic books
III. Resources:
- Equipments in English room.
- Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette.
IV. Teaching procedures:
 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
 * Warm up:
 - Sing the song : How often do you have...? - Sing the song
 - Ask Ss some questions about English - Answer the questions
 1. Look, listen and repeat.
 - Ask Ss to look at 4 pictures, ask and 
 answer the questions:
 + Who are they? - Look at the pictures, ask and 
 + What are they talking about? answers.
 - Have them look at the book and listen to 
 the tape.
 - Play the recording for Ss listen.
 - Ask them to repeat a few times.
 - Repeat the procedure with the rest - Listen carefully.
 pictures. - Listen and repeat.
 - Play the recording through.
 - Practice with Ss.
 - Divide the class into 2 groups. Ask Ss to 
 practice in pairs.
 - Check some pairs. - Work in groups. recording and tick the correct pictures.
- Play the recording for sts to listen. - Listen again and tick.
- Ask Ss to listen again and do the task - Give the answers.
- Have them give answers.
- Play the recording again for Ss to listen 
and check. - Others correct, remark.
- Give correct answers: - Ss repeat the recording.
 1. b 2.c 
 3. a 4. b
5. Read and complete.
- Tell the class that they are going to read 
and fill the gaps with 
- Give sts a few times to read the sentences. - Work individually.
- Remind sts to focus on the context to 
select the appopriate words from the box. - Do the task.
- Set a time limit for sts to do the task 
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if 
- Ask sts to give answers. - Give answers.
- Ask other sts to give feedback.
- Correct.
* Home-link.
- Tell Ss to practise answering questions - Listen and remember. 
about how they learn English.
 - Check some pairs. - Work in groups/pairs.
- Have others give comments.
- T gives comments. - Practice in front of the class.
- Go round and check if Ss can repeat and 
understand the dialogue.
2. Point and say.
- Ask Ss to look at picture d in part 1 again.
- Have them read the question in the picture
- Write the question on the board.
- Teach how to ask and answer. - Look at picture c and give answer.
+ Why do you learn English? - Write down.
 Because I want to sing English song 
- Say aloud the sentence pattern for Ss to 
repeat. - Listen and repeat.
- Ask Ss to change underlined words to 
have another answers. - Work in pairs.
- Have them ask and answer the pictures a, 
b, c, d.
- Call some pairs practise in front of the 
class. - Practise in front of the class.
- Give feedback and correct mistakes of 
- Make a few questions to check Ss’ 
comprehension of the language. - Answer the teacher’s questions.
3. Let’s talk.
- Tell the class that they are going to 
practise further by asking and answering 
questions about how and why they learn 
- Get Ss to work in pairs - Work in groups.
- Remind them to use the questions and 
answers in their books:
 How do you learn English?
 Why do you leaen English?
- Set a time limit for the class to practise.
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if 
- Call some Ss to practise in front of the - Practise in front of the class.
- Give feedback.
4. Listen and number.
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the -Listen to the recording the first UNIT 7: HOW DO YOU LEARN ENGLISH?
 PERIOD 22: Lesson 3: 1, 2, 4,5 
 I. Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to: 
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic: How do you learn English?
- Say questions and answers with the correct sentence stress.
- Develop Ss listening skills.
II. Language focus:
1. Vocabulary: review
2. Sentence Patterns: review
III. Resources:
- Equipments in English room.
- Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette.
IV. Teaching procedures: 
 Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
 * Warm up:
 - Have Ss play Guessing game to review the - Play the game
 new words.
 1. Listen and repeat.
 -Tell the class that they are going to practice 
 saying some question and answer with 
 sentence stress. - Listen to teacher’s explaination
 -Ask sts to look at the book and listen 
 - Play the recording for Ss listen again
 -Call some sts listen and repeat
 - Others give comments. - Listen to the recording.
 - T gives comments.
 - Correct mistakes of pronounciation - Listen and repeat.
 2. Listen and circle a or b. Then say the 
 - Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the 
 recording and circle a or b.
 - Play the recording for sts to listen - Listen and circle.
 - Ask Ss to listen again and do the task. - Give answers.
 - Have them give answers. - Listen and check.
 - Play the recording again for Ss to listen and 
 - Give correct answers:
 1.b 2.a 3.a 4.b
 - Ask Ss to say each sentence aloud. - Class/group/individual say aloud.
 - Give comments.
 - Correct mistakes of pronounciation.

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_5_unit_1_den_15_nam_hoc_2018_2019.docx