Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9+10 - Trường THCS Doi Lầu

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9+10 - Trường THCS Doi Lầu

Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9+10 - Trường THCS Doi Lầu
 Mrs. Nga: She (1) will be be here in two hours.
Ba: (2) Will uncle Sau be with her?
Mrs. Nga: No, he (3) won't. He has to stay in Ho Chi Minh City.
Ba: (4) Shall I come to the airport with you?
Mrs. Nga: OK. It (5) will be be a nice trip for us both.
Ba: Great, I (6) will be ready in two minutes.
3. Nga is helping her grandmother. Look at the pictures and complete the 
sentences. Use the words under each picture and will.
(Nga đang giúp bà của cô. Em hãy xem tranh và hoàn thành các câu sau, sử 
dụng từ cho dưới mỗi bức tranh và will.) b) Will you paint the door, please?
I will paint the door this afternoon/ tomorrow.
c) Will you study hard, please?
I will study harder.
d) Will you carry the bag for me, please?
I will carry the bag for you.
e) Will you hang the washing, please?
I shall hang the washing for you.
f) Will you cut the grass, please?
I will cut the grass for you.
 Unit 10: Recycling
Getting Started (Trang 89 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)
Work with a partner. Think of ways we can reduce the amount of garbage we produce. 
The words in the box may help you.
- We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
- You're right. We should also reuse plastic bags.
- We should use tree leaves to wrap things.
- You're right. We should also use tree leaves to make fertilizer. (Trả lời câu hỏi.)
a) What does Miss Blake mean by reduce?
=> Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged.
b) What things can we reuse?
=> We can reuse things like envelopes, glass and plastic bottles and old plastic bags.
c) What does recycle mean?
=> Recycle means don't just throw things away. Try and find another use for them.
d) Where can we look for information on recycling things?
 Unit 10: Recycling
Speak (Trang 90-91 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)
Work with a partner. Look at the pictures and decide which group each item belongs to.
paper plastic vegetable matter
glass metal fabric leather A: Are clothes "fabric"?
B: That's right.
A: What will we do with it?
B: We make it into shopping bags.
Listen (Trang 91 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)
You will hear four questions during the recording. Check (√) the correct answers.
a) What type of garbage can you put in the compost?
 A. all vegetable matter
 B. meat or grain products
b) Where is the best place for a compost heap?
 A. a place that gets no sun
 B. a place that gets sun and shade
c) Should you water the compost?
 A. Yes
 B. No
d) How long does it take before you can use the compost?
 A. after it rains
 B. six months
a. What type of garbage can you put in the compost?
Today I'm going to explain how to start a compost heap. First of all, you must use only 
vegetable matter includes tea leaves, egg shells - but wash the shells first - and 
tissues. Don't use any meat or grain products because this attracts rats. A. after it rains
 B. six months
a. What type of garbage can you put in the compost?
Today I'm going to explain how to start a compost heap. First of all, you must use only 
vegetable matter includes tea leaves, egg shells - but wash the shells first - and 
tissues. Don't use any meat or grain products because this attracts rats.
b. Where is the best place for a compost heap?
Find a place in your garden that gets a few hours of sunlight each day. Use pick or 
shovels to turn the compost regularly so it gets plenty of air.
c. Should you water the compost?
The compost also needs moisture, but it will get this from condensation. Cover the 
heap with a sheet of strong plastic if the weather is very wet.
d. How long does it take before you can use the compost?
 Unit 10: Recycling
Read (Trang 92-93 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)
 Recycling Facts b) What happens to the glass when it is sent to the factories?
=> The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware when it is sent to factories.
c) What did the Oregon government do to prevent people from throwing drink cans away?
=> The Oregon government made a new law that there must be deposit on all drink cans. The deposit is 
returned when people bring the cans back for recycling.
d) What is compost made from?
=> Compost is made from household and garden waste.
e) If you have a recycling story to share, how can you share it?
=> If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 5 265 456.
2. Work with a partner. Complete the sentences to make a list of recycled things.

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  • docxde_cuong_on_tap_mon_tieng_anh_lop_8_unit_910.docx