Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 10: Recycling. Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read 1,2

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 10: Recycling. Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read 1,2

Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 10: Recycling. Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read 1,2
- fabric (n): sợi (vải)
- leather (n): da
- metal (n): kim loại
- compost (n): phân xanh
- glassware (n): đồ dùng bằng thủy tinh
- vegetable matter (n): rác rau củ
- grain product (n): sản phẩm từ ngũ cốc, lúa
- heap (n): một đống
- shade (n): bóng mát
- sunlight (n): ánh nắng mặt trời
- moisture (n) : độ ẩm
- condensation (n) : sự cô đọng
- fertilize (v) : bón phân fertilizer (n) : phân bón fertilization (n): sự làm cho màu 
 Nội dung bài nghe:
 a. What type of garbage can you put in the compost?A
 Today I'm going to explain how to start a compost heap. First of all, you must use only 
 vegetable matter includes tea leaves, egg shells - but wash the shells first - and tissues. 
 Don't use any meat or grain products because this attracts rats.
 b. Where is the best place for a compost heap?B
 Find a place in your garden that gets a few hours of sunlight each day. Use pick or 
 shovels to turn the compost regularly so it gets plenty of air.
 c. Should you water the compost?A
 The compost also needs moisture, but it will get this from condensation. Cover the heap 
 with a sheet of strong plastic if the weather is very wet.
 d. How long does it take before you can use the compost?B 2. Work with a partner. Complete the sentences to make a list of recycled things.
 (Hãy làm việc với bạn em. Hoàn thành các câu sau để lập danh sách các thứ được tái 
 sử dụng.)
 Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings.
 Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled with milk.
 Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
 Drink cans are brought back for recycling.
 Household and garden waste is made into compost.
- press (v): nhấn, đẩy
- bucket (n): xô, gàu
- wooden (a): bằng gỗ, giống như gỗ
- mash (v): nghiền, ép
- mixture (n): sự pha trộn, hỗn hợp
- pull out (v): đi khỏi, rời đi
- look for (v): tìm kiếm
- scatter (v): rải, rắc, phân tán
- detergent liquid (n): dung dịch giặt tẩy
- dip (v): nhúng, nhận chìm vào
- belong to (v): thuộc về
- intended shape (n): hình dạng định sẵn
- mankind (n): nhân loại
- soak (n): nhúng nước, ngâm
- wrap (v): gói, bọc
 1. Complete the recycling instructions. Use the verbs in the box.
 (Hãy hoàn thành các chỉ dẫn về việc tái sử dụng, dùng động từ cho trong khung.)
First, (0) soak some old newspaper in a bucket of water overnight. Then (1) use a wooden 
spool to mash the paper. Next, (2) mix the mashed paper and the water paper together in This bridge will be built (by people) next year. 
Form : S+ will / can/ must/ should/ have to + be + past participle + by O
 -past participle (p.p:ed/3)
-Note: by them, by you, by me, by her, by him, by someone, by somebody, by everyone, 
by everybody, by no one, by people,  ta được phép bỏ.
 1. Work with a partner. (Hãy làm việc cùng với bạn em.)
 a) Break the glass into small pieces.
 => The glass is broken into small pieces.
 b) Then wash the glass with a detergent liquid.
 => Then the glass is washed with a detergent liquid.
 c) Dry the glass pieces completely.
 => The glass pieces are completely dried.
 d) Mix them with certain specific chemicals.
 => The glass pieces are mixed with certain specific chemicals.
 e) Melt the mixture until it becomes a liquid.
 => The mixture is melted until it becomes a liquid.
 f) Use a long pipe, dip it into the liquid, then blow the liquid into intended shapes.
 => A long pipe is used to dip the mixture into the liquid and then the liquid is blown into 
 intended shapes.
 => A long pipe is used. The mixture is dipped into the liquid. Then the liquid is blown 
 into intended shapes.
 2. A famous inventor, Dr. Kim, is going to build a time machine. One of his 
 assistants, Hai, is asking him questions about the invention. Complete the dialogue. 
 Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 (Tiến sĩ Kim, một nhà khoa học nổi tiếng sắp sửa lắp ráp một cỗ máy thời gian. Hải, 
 một trong những phụ tá của ông hỏi ông một vài câu hỏi về phát minh này. Em hãy 
 hoàn thành hội thoại, dùng hình thức đúng của động từ cho trong ngoặc.)
 Hai: When (0) will the project be started, Doctor? Aunt Thanh: No. It's (4) important to wait for five minutes.
Model Sentences:
We are delighted that you passed the 
 English exam
S be adj that/noun clause 
Form: S + be + adj. + that / noun clause
 4. Complete the letter. Use the correct forms of the verb be and the adjectives in the 
 (Em hãy hoàn thành bức thư này, dùng dạng đúng của động từ be và tính từ cho 
 trong khung.)
 happy delighted certain relieved sure afraid
 Dear Nam,
 Your grandfather and I (0) are delighted that you passed your English exam.
 Aunt Mai (1) was happy that you remembered her birthday last week. She told me you 
 gave her a beautiful scarf.
 I (2) am relieved that your mother is feeling better. Please give her my love.
 We're looking forward to seeing you in June. However, grandfather (3) is afraid that the 
 day is wrong. (4) Are you sure that you're arriving on Saturday 20th? I (5) am 
 certain that there are no trains from Ha Noi on Saturday.
 Write soon and confirm your arrival date and time.
 Grandma 8. You are interested in protecting the environment. We are delighted.
 9. Jane has decided to leave the company. I’m sorry.
 10. He jumped into the river to save the child. It was brave of him.
IV/ Complete each of the sentences with one suitable word.
1. Every milk bottle can be ------------------- thirty times.
2. These materials can be ------------------------- into other packaging products.
3. We, should use tree leaves to -------------------- things.
4. We should do more to ----------------------the environment and natural resources.
5. Reduce means not buying products which are ---------------------------------- .
6. We shouldn’t ----------------------------------- things away.
7. Farmers often use dung for ------------------------------------ their fields
8. The milkman brings bottles of milk to houses and ------------------------- ' the empty ones.

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