Bài ôn tập kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 6 (Có đáp án)

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Bài ôn tập kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 6 (Có đáp án)
 4a. but b. because c.and d. so
5a. will b. would c. can d. should
6a. response b. answer c. telephone d. call
2. “I want everyone to listen (1)_____________, please. First of all, I’d like you to divide into three groups. 
Each group should take five plastic bags. Once you have filled a bag, come back to me as you will need another. 
I need group one to walk along the shore. Group two should check the sand, and group three has to check 
(2)___________ the rocks. Mr.Jones is going to collect all the bags and take them to the (3)_____________. Mrs 
.Smith has (4)__________provided a picnic lunch for us, but we won’t eat until the whole area is clean. If you 
can’t find your place, I will help you get there with this map. Don’t worry.  uh  I’m disappointed 
(5)___________ people have spoiled this area. However, we are here to do something about this (6)__________. 
We must all work very hard. And, if we work hard, we’ll (7)__________ this beach a clean and 
(8)__________place again. OK. Now, let’s get started.”
 1. A.care B.careful C.careless D.carefully
 2. A.between B.among C.in D.of
 3. A.environment B.garbage dump C.refreshment D.pollution
 4. A.kind B.kindly C.kindness D.unkind
 5. A.that B.when C.if D.how
 6. A.pollution B.environment C.protection D.hedge
 7. A.made B.making C.make D.to make
 8. A.beautifully B.beauty C. beautiful D.to beautify
B. Read the passage, then decide if the statements that follow it are True or False
More than two hundred years ago, the term ‘environment pollution’ was quite strange to people. They lived 
healthily, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. People all over the 
world are worried about things that are happening to the environment. Actually it is man that is destroying the 
surroundings with many kinds of wastes. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that 
cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle. Manufacturers know that wastes 
from factories make water and soil polluted, but they don’t want to spend a lot of their money on treating the 
waste safely. Scattering rubbish is bad for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth 
talking a lot about pollution ?
1. More than two hundred years ago people knew nothing about environment pollution. .
2. In former days, people led an unhealthy life. 
3. Factory owners have no awareness of pollution. 
4. It’s harmful to our health if we spend time on scattering rubbish. 
Read the passage again and choose the best option
5. According to the passage, people lived used to live .
a. very hard b. very healthily c. sadly d. happily
6. It can be inferred from the passage, ..
a. People move by motorbikes. b. People destroy their environment.
c. Factory owners don’t want to destroy the surroundings. d. Scattering isn’t harmful.
VI. Rewrite each sentence so that it means almost the same as the one printed before it.
1. She sings very beautifully.
She is ..
2. We run fast.
We are 
3. I worked hard, so I was tired.
4. Mary comes. Peter is happy.
If Mary
5. You burn the grass. The air is polluted.
If you.
6. Lan studies hard. She passes the final exam.
If Lan 
7. She speaks English very well. ĐÁP ÁN- TEST FOR UNIT 6
I. Choose the correct answer to completely the sentences
1. is chemical used for killing insects. (pollutant, dynamite, pesticides, deforestation)
2. We have to take our rubbish to the .( environment, garbage dump, refreshment, pollution)
3. I think we should .lazy students from throwing trash. ( prevent, reduce, persuade, save)
4. I’m disappointed people have spoiled this area. (if, that, how, when)
5. We couldn’t go on a picnic as planned ..it was raining hard.(however, but, because, so)
6. ..reducing water pollution? (Why not, Why don’t you, Won’t you, what about)
7. Mrs Smith has kindly provided a picnic lunch .us. (to, for, with, of)
8. I look forward to hearing form you and seeing good ..from your company.(question, response, 
course, details)
9. Everybody must take part in deforestation.( persuading, preventing, providing, preserving)
10. air is one of the problems we have to solve.( fresh, pure, polluted, clean)
11. If they .students, they must wear uniform.( have, had, are, were)
12. She has .provided a picnic lunch for us. (kind, kindly, kindness, unkind)
13. I think people should use tree leaves for .food. (wrapping, rolling, making, recycling)
14. .is a piece of land full of rubbish. (junk-yard, garbage, hedge, treasure)
15. The local authority should the fish catching by electricity. (protect, prohibit, permit, allow)
16. Plastic bags are very ..to dissolve, so they will cause pollution.( simple, difficult, convenient, 
17. Nam has strong sense of protecting the environment, ..so does Minh. (and, but, or, because)
18.We can protect the environment by  air pollution.( reduce, reducing, reduced, to reduce)
II. Give the correct tense or form of verb in parentheses
1. If you are.a student, you will get a discount on book.(be)
2. Unless youunderstand, I will explain it again to you. (understand)
3. She suggests eating..in that restaurant. ( eat)
4. They make their living by catching..fish in the river. (catch)
5. What about collecting..used paper, bottles and cans everyday? (collect)
6. She asked me what I did.in my free time. (do)
7. If he has.your numbers, he will phone. (have)
8. I’m disappointed that people have spoiled.this area recently. (spoil)
III. Give the correct form of word in parentheses
1. He was disappointed..that they were not coming. (disappoint)
2. We’re excited..about our holiday. (excite)
3. polluted ..air can cause illness and even death. (pollute)
4. If the pollution.continues, what will happen? (pollute)
5. Mrs Smith has kindlyprovided a picnic lunch for us. (kind)
6. We will make this beach clean and beautiful.again. (beauty)
7. Smoke and waste chemicals make the air and waterpolltued.(pollute)
8. These products areenvironmentallyfrienly.( environmental)
9. This beach is clear because the environmentalists..have just collected the garbage on 
10. The entrance looked extremely..impressive. (extreme)
IV. Reading
A. Circle the word a, b, c, d and complete the blank in the passage
1. I am writing to you about the short stop of your trucks (1)..my house on their way to the north. When 
the trucks of your company have a short break on the (2).around my house, the drivers have 
(3)lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment. When the trucks leave the place, the ground is 
covered with trash (4)..a few minutes later there is smell and flies. I would suggest that your company 
(5)tell your drivers to clear up all the trash on the ground before leaving. I look forward to hearing 
from you and seeing good (6).from your company.
1a. over b. around c. on d. upon
2a. streets b. streams c. company d. countryside 7. She speaks English very well.
She is a very good English teacher.
8. She is an excellent ballet dancer.
She dances ballet excellently.
9. That boy plays soccer very well.
That boy is a very good soccer player.
10. If you don’t succeed, you will have to try it again.
Unless succeed, you will have to try it again.
11. Study hard or you will fail again.
If you study hard, you won’t fail again.
12. Work hard and you will pass the exam.
If you work hard, you will pass the exam.
13. “Let’s go to the canteen”she said.
She suggested going to the canteen.
14. Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
How about going to the cinema tonight?
15. Mary works hard as a student.
Mary is a hard –working student.
16. He couldn’t meet you because of being busy.
He couldn’t meet you because he was busy.
17. He broke the vase because he was careless.
Because of his carelessness, he broke the cup.
18. We can’t go for a walk because it rains heavily.
Because of heavy rain, we can’t go for a walk.
VII. Arrange these sentences
1. I / hearing / from you / good response / look forward to / and seeing /
I look forward to hearing and seeing good response from you.
2. next month / I / the final examination / unless this noise / stops / will fail 
I will fail the final examination unless this noise stop.
3. asked them / I have / several times / already / to turn it down. 
I have already asked them to turn it down several times.
4. all the trash / I would / should tell him / suggest your company / to clear up / on the ground.
I would suggest your company should tell him to clear up all the trash on the ground.

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