Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy + Read

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy + Read
 Warm up: Look at the pictures and talk about 
 what you should do to save energy. (Xem
tranh và nói các bạn nên làm gì để tiết kiệm
 năng lượng) Unit 7: Saving Energy
* New words: ( Ghi vào vở)
- Luxury: Hàng xa xỉ
- Not only but also.: không chỉ mà còn
- Consumer: Người tiêu dùng
- Ultimately = Finally/ in the end: Cuối cùng
- innovate: đổi mới Innovation (n)
- Conserve: - Giữ gìn, bảo tồn
 - to conserve the Earth’s resources 2. Structure: (Cấu trúc)
• not only.. but also: Ghi vào vở
 không những mà còn
eg: Companies now realize that 
 consumers want products that 
 will not only work effectively, 
 but also save money. (Không ghi) Đáp án
3. North American and 
 European countries are 
 interested in saving money 
 and natural resources. 1. What are Western consumers interested in?
 Western consumers are interested in 
 products that will not only work effectively, 
 but also save money.
2. What can we do to spend less on lighting?
 We can use energy-saving bulbs instead of 
 ordinary 100 watt-light bulbs to spend less 
 on lighting.
3. Mrs. Jones uses only two ordinary bulbs and 
she pays US$8 for lighting. How much will she 
pay if she uses two energy-saving bulbs instead?
She will pay US$2 for lighting if she uses 
energy-saving bulbs instead. * Complete the summary:
North American and European countries are interested 
 in saving money and natural(1)...resources For most 
 North American households,(2) ...........lighting accounts 
 for 10 percent to 15 (3)....percent of electricity bill. 
 However, this amount can be reduced by using (4) 
 energy- saving bulbs.
In Europe, there is a (5) schemelabeling for electric 
 appliances. The label tells the(6)consumers ............. how 
 much energy (7) efficiency. each model has, compared 
 with other ones in the same (8).category
Ultimately, these (9)innovations will not only save 
 money (10) .but also conserve the Earth’ resources. Crosswords
 1 G A S C O O K E R
 2 F A U C E T
 3 T E L E V I S I O N
 4 E L E C T R I C F A N
5 M O T O R B I K E
 6 L I G H T I N G F I X T U R E
 7 S H O W E R
 8 R A D I O
 9 L I G H T
 10 B I C Y C L E Thank you for your attention!
 Goodbye !

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  • pptbai_giang_tieng_anh_lop_9_unit_7_saving_energy_read.ppt