Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Period 44, Unit 7: Saving energy. Lesson 3: Listen and Language focus 1,2 - Năm học 2020-2021

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Period 44, Unit 7: Saving energy. Lesson 3: Listen and Language focus 1,2 - Năm học 2020-2021

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Period 44, Unit 7: Saving energy. Lesson 3: Listen and Language focus 1,2 - Năm học 2020-2021
 Name the natural resourses that can provide energy Tuesday, February 2nd,2021
 Unit 7: Saving energy (Ghi vào vở)
* Newwords
 - solar energy (n): năng lượng mặt trời
 - solar panel (n): pin năng lượng mặt trời
 - install (v): lắp đặt
 - effective (adj ): có hiệu quả Unit 7: Saving energy
 a/Check the box and correct the false sentences:
 Nghe rồi chọn True - đúng, False - sai
 T F
1- Solar energy can be cheap and clean. ✓ 
2-Most of our electricity now comes from nuclear 
power. coal, gas, oil.
.33-.1The % solarof the energy solar energythat gets that to theget Earth to the can earth notprovide can ✓
enoughprovide power enough for ower the world’s for the population.world's population 
4-Solar energy can be used on cloudy days. ✓ 
5-All building in Sweden will be heated by solar energyin ✓
. 20152050 Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021
 Unit 7: Saving energy 
 * Language focus 1,2
 1. Language focus 1
 Or: hoặc, hay
 and Because: bởi vì
 So: vì thế ( liên từ) But; nhưng
 Therefore: do đó However: tuy nhiên
Connectives: because, or, and , therefore, so, however, 
but 1. Language Focus 1(p.62+63)
1. Complete the following sentences. Use the connectives.
a. Mrs Quyen bought corn, potatoes and.. cabbage at
 the market. (and/or)
b. I’d love to play volleyball but . I have to complete
 an assignment. (and / but)
c. Nam got wet because.. he forgot his umbrella.
d. Hoa failed her math test therefore., she has to do the
 test again. (however / therefore)
e. Do you want Vietnamese tea or milk tea? (and / or)
f. It’s raining, so I can’t go to the beach. (so/however)
g. Ba’s hobbies are playing football ...................and collecting
 stamps. (and / or)
h. Na is very tired. however....., she has to finish her
 homework before she go to bed. (however / therefore) Turn on – turn off – look for – 
 look after – go on
 a.Hanh can’t go to the movies with us 
 tonight. She will have to ___________look after 
 her little sister.
 b.If we ______go on wasting water, there 
 will be a shortage of fresh water in 
 a few decades.
 3 c.“I think I’ve lost my new pen. I’ve 
4 looked_________ for it everywhere and I 
 can’t find it everywhere.” 2.Complete the sentences. Use the right form and tense
 Hanh can’t go to the movies with us tonight. 
 She will have to look after her little sister.
 If we go on wasting water, there will be a shortage of fresh 
 water in a few decades.
“Turn on the TV for me, will you? I want to watch the
 forecast weather.”
“I think I’ve lost my new pen. I’ve looked for it everywhere 
and I can’t find it everywhere.”
Mrs. Yen forgot to turn off the faucet when she left for work. 2011/11-11
 Thank you for attendence

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